Friday, 13 September 2024

Thoresby Estate. A walk in the park 2013. Part 1.


Caution: These videos were made on Thoresby Estate's official “Permitted Walks” in 2013. During the pandemic lockdowns of 2020, Perlethorpe Village and other parts of Thoresby Estate, became strictly out of bounds, and the “permitted walk” initiative closed down. At the time of writing, 2024, that is still the case. So, these videos are intended as a historic record of the past. They are neither a guide nor encouragement to new visitors. 


  1. Thoresby Park, Thoresby Estate, Thoresby Park history, Thoresby estate history.
    Thoresby Hall, Pierrepont, Manvers, Lady Manvers.

  2. Thoresby Blog, Thoresby Park, Thoresby Hall, Thoresby Park History, Perlethorpe Village, Perlethorpe History.


Thoresby Park blog is suitable for all ages. Please be aware of that.